Dinc flashlight app?


May 1, 2010
Reaction score
Is there any working flashlight app out there for the incredible? Couldn't find one that had positive comments for the incredible...

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there is no LED flashlight app available for the inc that i could find:frown:
colorflashlight fun flashlight works great

Does it use the led flash or does it just show a blank white screen? I want to find an app that utilizes the leds on the back of the phone :(

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its a white screen but if you use it like me you wont care anymore that its not LED. it works just as good imo.
I agree. I have used the white screen for times when I need to see in the dark and all I have is my phone. Works great.

If you're camping or working on a car in the dark or something...just use a real flashlight.
Nice just gave it a download and works perfectly. Lol just for what ill use it for anyways. Thanks for the help.

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i used color flashlight on the g1 and the mytouch...now i guess im using again...it works good enough! i still want an LED flashlight!