
New Member
Dec 3, 2012
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Will a rom for the DincS work on the Dinc2 without issue. I want to flash Ice Cold Sandwich and wanted to know if itll work?
Guess no one can or wants to answer my question
I dont think it will work but im not completely sure.

sent from my vzw galaxy note 2
Thank you for the welcome : )....the only difference is the S is a European able device from the start if I am correct
It may have slightly different hardware and software so im not sure how well it would work. Im sure someone will be able to help you out :D

sent from my vzw galaxy note 2
I hope so too because the ice cold tomorrow is phenominal
Sorry to confirm the bad news, but it won't work. The Incredible S is a GSM device, while the Incredible 2 is a CDMA device with GSM capabilities. While the hardware and much of the software are similar, there are important differences in both that make flashing a ROM made for one impossible on the other. So, a ROM made for the Incredible S won't have the proper files and software needed to run the Incredible 2.

A pretty good rule of thumb for flashing ROMs is that if it isn't made for your specific device, don't flash it. If you do, you'll probably be in for one heck of a headache.
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Thats what I thought but I wasn't completely sure thanks for backing me up :)

sent from my vzw galaxy note 2