Does my usage make the Thunderbolt a bad choice?


May 11, 2010
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I currently use a Droid 1 running Gingerbread. I rarely make phone calls, maybe one or two a day. I predominantly use it for reading email/Gmail, checking bus arrival times, and maybe reading a few news stories. On weekends or evenings I might send 5-10 text messages. I also use it as a music player on the bus a few times a week. It sits idle in my pocket most of the time.

I do NOT run tons of widgets and apps that need data like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Gtalk, etc. My apartment and office have good wifi coverage that I try to default to when possible. I live and work in downtown Chicago so coverage is quite good and is definitely LTE.

When looking at my usage on my Droid 1, I typically see this:

32% display
26% phone idle
20% cell standby
11% Maps
6% wifi
5% AndroidOS

Does this sort of usage make the Thunderbolt a bad idea? I refuse to buy the extended battery. All I need is for it to last until dinnertime when I get home, frankly. I know the Droid Charge is coming but I prefer the sturdy build quality and glass display of the Thunderbolt, especially after having an all-metal & glass Droid 1 (and iPhone 3G before that).

TL;DR: I am not a heavy data user, I just read email sometimes and make a few phone calls/texts.
it's hard to say for sure but i would think that you would notice significant less battery performance from the TB... I have always used Moto's and when i switched to the TB was rather dissapointed at the battery life.. I assume since you are running Gingerbread on your D1 that you would more than likely root/install custom rom on your TB if is the case then you should (written tougue in cheek) be able to make it till dinnertime i got better battery life with a custom rom and with the "sense-less" roms out there you won't even have to worry about the sense stuff syncing data in the background.. Or you could turn 4G off and surely make it through the day but that defeats the purpose of having a 4G phone IMHO..
I have read that rooting gives you much greater control of the TB and hence battery life is more reasonable.

As I said, I am not a data-hungry user. Everything I read says that if you are running lots of background apps needing data or watch YouTube for an hour it's going to wipe out the battery.
My usage is very similar to yours. I came over from D1 and over to a TB. I always have 4g on in southern california and my Thunderbolt battery last me from 7am in the morning to 10pm. First few days battery did drain rather quickly, but after a few days after battery has been discharged and charged a few times my battery life increased. One thing that does drain my battery rather quickly is mobile hotspot to tether my xoom, other than that its great.
I would say if you were happy with what you already have stay with it and save some money. Assuming it does everything you need it to... The D1 is still a great phone.

If you want to upgrade your phone then yes the Thunderbolt would be something you would enjoy.
My usage is very similar to yours. I came over from D1 and over to a TB. I always have 4g on in southern california and my Thunderbolt battery last me from 7am in the morning to 10pm. First few days battery did drain rather quickly, but after a few days after battery has been discharged and charged a few times my battery life increased. One thing that does drain my battery rather quickly is mobile hotspot to tether my xoom, other than that its great.

Excellent info. Thank you.
I would stay away from any phone that you don't feel comfortable with an extended battery. I have one and am a heavy user. I last all day with it and usually have about 35% when I hit the rack.

Sent from my rooted Thunderbolt, VirusROM AirborneTB