Droid 3 acting up in evenings


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
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I've had my Droid 3 since July 8th, and I've spent a lot of time customizing it, so if there's a way to fix my problem without having to return it for a new one, I'd love some advice.

My phone acts up in the evenings. Selecting a text box is hit or miss, scrolling up and down more often results in wild zoom changes, and typing with the onscreen keyboard turns a four word phrase into three lines of gibberish with repeated words and random extra letters nowhere near the intended keys. It took me a while to realize this only happens in the evenings and into the night. At first I thought it was an issue with overheating, since I do a lot of browsing before bed, but it also happens in the middle of the night when the phone has been off for a while. It seems to stop sometime between 3 am and 5 am.

It seems to be an issue with the receptive screen, since the slide out keyboard works just fine. I just wish I knew why it was time-sensitive, and if there's a way to fix it instead of scrapping this phone altogether. We've just ordered one for my husband because his original Droid just died, and I'd like to know if he's going to have this same problem.

Also, if anyone knows how to make the front phone work for Skyping, please let me know! Thanks, all.
Well, I fixed my phone by accident.

I was really acting up tonight, like I was just poking one spot on the screen over and over again and mashing the onscreen keyboard. I removed the screen protector as a last resort, and the problems stopped immediately.

Please keep.this in mind if anyone else complains of issues.
Last time my phone acted like that I actually ran out of Jack and had to get more. :p