Droid 4 having physical keyboard issues, randomly stops working


New Member
Nov 23, 2012
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My Droid 4 has a very annoying problem. Every now and then the physical keyboard will stop working. I don't know if I might be clicking something, or if it's a hardware issue. I'm not very phone tech savy, so maybe I am accidentally changing the input method. I have no idea for the life of me how to fix it however. It will be like this for about a week, then it will switch back and I can use the keyboard again.. only to switch back a few days later.

The Problem: The keyboard does not type anything when I push the buttons. But if I type the letter "M" Google maps will pop up, if I type "G" Gmail will pop up, etc etc.

Does anyone know the solution to this? Thank you in advance for your time!!
I've had this once in awhile. It's acting like you're holding down the search button as you type. I've either tried to hit the search button and trigger a shortcut (hold search button and press M for maps), or reboot the phone.

It's a weird quirk that I cannot figure out the cause of. :\
I have the same issue. It happened when I had my Droid2 too.

What I did then was go into settings -> apps -> all apps-> multi touch keyboard, and clear the data and things would work again. However, the Droid 4 doesn't have that app listed. Someone once told me that on the Droid 2 the dictionary would get overloaded or something and cause the physical keyboard to malfunction like this. The on-screen keyboard still works, though. But let's be honest, we didn't get a Motorola Droid phone unless we wanted the physical keyboard.

Any help would be appreciated.