Droid attached to Wi-Fi; How to change the device name

This is very helpful to know, but it seems the change is only until you reboot your phone. Has anyone else found this to be the case? Is there any permanent option of changing it?

i noticed that too .... when i switched to cm 7 and specified a hostname in cyanogenmod settings, it sticks forever

sent via android
so rooting is the only way??? i had my og droid rooted but only used wifi tether so i never bothered rooting my razr but what the heck.
i would say so unless theres an app out there that would name the device each time wifi is used ...

device name is not important tho ...

sent via android
well device name is important when your connecting to a secure network and there is a list of specific computer names that can connect to the network:biggrin: android 144512326877 is not on the approved list i guarantee it! wink wink!
RW-1 thats funny
Late to the game on this, but it can be made permanent on stock. Root the phone of course, use a root file explorer with R/W permissions. Edit your build.prop text file found in the system folder. Scroll all the way to the end of the file and add the following line.


Where thenameyouwantyourdevicetobe is the name you want it to actually be ie; Galaxy S4 or Johns Phone etc etc...

Make sure to save the build.prop file before exiting or it will not save your text entry onto the build.prop file.

The name will now stick permanently even on reboots. Terminal Emulator works, but it changes when the device is rebooted.


Late to the game on this, but it can be made permanent on stock. Root the phone of course, use a root file explorer with R/W permissions. Edit your build.prop text file found in the system folder. Scroll all the way to the end of the file and add the following line.


Where thenameyouwantyourdevicetobe is the name you want it to actually be ie; Galaxy S4 or Johns Phone etc etc...

Make sure to save the build.prop file before exiting or it will not save your text entry onto the build.prop file.

The name will now stick permanently even on reboots. Terminal Emulator works, but it changes when the device is rebooted.

I have to say that I'm glad you showed up to the game, late or not. I was using my hotspot on my LG Optimus G Pro today and when I connected my other LG Optimus G to it by way of wifi, it came up as "android.xxxxxxxxx" on the G Pro. Now, I've been noticing this for the last week since I've had the phone, yet today I finally decided to look into seeing if I could change this, and low and behold I found this thread. The suggestion of using Terminal Emulator is cool too since it does work, yet your permanent solution is obviously much better, especially since I already had FX File Explorer installed. So yeah, the instructions in this post of yours worked perfectly. Now the other phone shows up in the Hotspot Client List just as I'd like it to. Thanks! :)
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