Droid update (2.1) VIA twitter - Days away

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I'm dumb as a rock. I don't get it, what is the message in that? It just looked like a question to me.

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A rhetorical question is a figure of speech in the form of a question posed for its persuasive effect without the expectation of a reply (ex: "Why me?")[1] Rhetorical questions encourage the listener to think about what the (often obvious) answer to the question must be. When a speaker states, "How much longer must our people endure this injustice?", no formal answer is expected. Rather, it is a device used by the speaker to assert or deny something.

I'm dumb as a rock. I don't get it, what is the message in that? It just looked like a question to me.
Don't feel bad I don't get it either. I don't Twitter so I have no idea how that stuff works. Still searching for info about 2.1. Anyone know anything??

Well, I do twitter, still don't get it, and now i'm wondering when they will close this thread because there are already too many 2.1 threads.:)
Um, they were asking MotoMobile (the official Motorola twitter) if 2.1 is going to be released. That's not them saying it's days away.
So....there is absolutely no point to this thread other than showing a question you (or someone) asked on twitter?

Hey guys, check this out:

Will 2.1 be released soon?
So....there is absolutely no point to this thread other than showing a question you (or someone) asked on twitter?

Hey guys, check this out:

Will 2.1 be released soon?
If it wasn't going to be released in a few days, the official people would not have mentioned anything towards this in a Tweet. They would have ignored it.
No no no no no no, not another 2.1 thread :eek:, I'm not going to post.... DOH too late.
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