Droid X and D2G


New Member
Nov 29, 2010
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Hey long story short, had a Droid X and sold it to a friend and got the D2G as a replacement. This is (Im not sure which one it happened on) all my music (This only happened to the music) which was at the directory on my sd card in /Music was moved to the LOST.DIR and the formats of all of the song were changed to" File" format. Also, all the names of these song were changed too to random numbers. I cannot no longer play them in my music player unless I choose it individually and keep the music player on top, otherwise it just end the playing song. I should also note that I rooted both phones but only put a custom rom on the D2G. Ii also notice when I assigned it to open with the player on the droid I click use this every time choice yet it dosent recognize the files even after.
Any help at this point would be greatly appreciated for this happened to my only copy of all of my music which is a total of 996 songs. You can reach me on Xfire, AIM and yahoo with my same username as the forums.
Double post, ftw
Yahoo is ArmyPunk17. Also I've read that the LOST.DIR folder was for Apple OS. I currently run XP SP3 on my only computer.