email battery drain


New Member
Dec 30, 2012
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OK. Not sure what changed but have had my 3s for a bit more than a month and all of a sudden my email is draining my battery. I don't think I have done anything different but while sleeping last night (5) hours my battery went from 100% to 6% . Gsam batt app stated email was responsible for 97% of my battery use. Can anyone confirm the best setup? I use gmail if that helps.

I use the gmail app too and it doesn't drain my battery. Clear the cache in the app... see if that works. You may also need to take a look at your other apps and settings. Like I said, I've never heard of the gmail app being responsible for that much battery drain.

Sent from my Synergized SCH-I535
Battery drain

I use the gmail app too and it doesn't drain my battery. Clear the cache in the app... see if that works. You may also need to take a look at your other apps and settings. Like I said, I've never heard of the gmail app being responsible for that much battery drain.

Sent from my Synergized SCH-I535

Actually it does!.The same thing happened to me on my phone,but it's only happening if you use the regular "MAIL" program in the phone,if you use google's own "gmail" it wont happened.I deleted the stock mail program and the problem was gooooone:)