emailing pics?


Sep 13, 2011
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The pics are awesome, beget than my camera lol. But having a hard time emailing them. Guessing they're to big, is there a way to change the size? Or Amy other ideas would be appreciated:)
All email systems have a size limit, both on the sending end and the receiving end.

Some email systems are more generous in this regard than others. From what I read, gmail is pretty generous, so if you and the receiver are both on gmail, using that service would be one approach.

If you are using the stock Camera app and wish to use a service with a smaller limit, try setting the photo size to 2048x 1152. The app says that results in a 2.4 Mb file, which should be small enough to email on most any service, so long as you don't send too many at a time.
I have Gmail but my dad doesn't. Is there any way to change the size of pics I've already taken?
Sure. There are several photo editors that you can use to resize the pictures. Photo Editor by dev.macgyver is one.