Erasing SD Card YET keeping apps


Feb 8, 2010
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So frustrated. I've been having issues with my phone all morning and opted to erase my SD card because I thought all my pics might be taking up too much space.

I had forgotten I'd moved several apps to my SD card a few months ago. Now they are gone, and I have a whole bunch of empty icons on my SD card.


Is there a way to retrieve all those apps from my computer? Better yet, the next time I decide to unmount my SD card, is there a way to keep aps yet delete pics?

Thanks in advance.
To delete pictures you didn't have to erase the entire SD card - just the DCIM folder, as far as getting those applications back the easiest way will be to redownload them from the Market
Is there a way to retrieve all those apps from my computer? Better yet, the next time I decide to unmount my SD card, is there a way to keep aps yet delete pics?
If nothing has been written to the card since the deletion you may be able to use file recovery tools. Odds of recovery decrease as more and more data is written to the card.

Better yet, the next time I decide to unmount my SD card, is there a way to keep aps yet delete pics?
Years in IT have taught me to always make a backup when doing things like this. Just copy the entire card before you wipe it. If you need to restore you can from the copy.

Heck, even day-to-day stuff on the SD card should be backed up. If it's important, back it up.