Essential for Sale, new phone canceled

me just sayin

Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2017
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Note 8
It is being reported that Essential is canceling their next phone and the company is now for sale. I am a bit disappointed to see it go. I guess only selling 150k phones can put a damper on things. It had potential and maybe the buyer will carry on. I wonder who sold more phones, Essential or Amazon Fire?

It's barely a year since Android founder Andy Rubin launched Essential, a new smartphone startup, and he's already considering giving it up for sale. According to Bloomberg, Rubin and co. has hired Credit Suisse Group AG to consult on a possible sale and apparently already have attracted at least one potential buyer.

Essential reportedly cancels next phone, considers sale
This isn't surprising. It's so hard to compete in the smart phone category these days. It seems like a two horse race now (Samsung + Apple).

The big question is who would want to purchase the company?
That was predictable after 88k sales. Was a failure from the start if you ask me.