Facebook app not allowing to view friends' wall

i'm hoping someone address this issue. seems like it is more widespread than i thought.

Ya for a second there I thought it was just you and me. Glad to know its a global issue. It is actually a good thing that a lot of peole have this problem.

Fix it facebook! Lol.
the problem seems to have gone away, for now. facebook wtf did you do?
i have given up on the facebook app, it is useless in every way. i use the touch site and full site only now..
Folks -- I don't think this issue is with Facebook, I think there seems to be an intermittent bug with the Facebook app on the Droid.

Here's the workaround for when this is happening:
In the news feed (or wherever else...) long press on the item/friend/etc. to get a popup menu, then touch "View profile". It should work to view your friend's wall as it did before.

This doesn't repair the issue so you can single click in the feed, it just allows you to see the friend's wall in the app.