Fingerprint Enabler Xposed Mod Disables Requirement For PIN On Reboot


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Oct 6, 2011
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We pay a hefty price for convenience these days, but then again this has always been the case. Everyone knows a cold soda from the gas station cost more than a 2Liter from the grocery store. I am personally an Amazon Prime addict. I will often pay up to double the price for something just to have it shipped to my house in 2 days rather than driving to the store and picking it up. We pay the price of lost privacy sometimes when it comes to free apps. These costs are sometimes worth it when it comes to improving your quality of life and making things easier in general.

The FingerPrint Enabler Xposed Module takes away the annoyance of having to enter a PIN to access the fingerprint scanner after a reboot. For whatever reason Google has deemed it more secure to require the PIN input after a reboot. It may be less secure to disable this feature, but in my opinion you still have to use your fingerprint if the PIN is disabled. I don't feel like you will be losing much in the way of security if you were to disable the PIN feature.

If having to enter your PIN every time you reboot your device causes you anguish you can now disable it with the Xposed Module linked below. It should be noted that root is required for this mod.

via XDA
Yet another reason to root. I'm seriously thinking about it but the heating issue on my V10 scares me due to any future warranty claim it may cause.
I like the extra pin security.