Fitness Friday: 2 months self evaluation


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Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
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Along this journey it is easy to keep on trucking but it is equally important to stop at a point and do a self evaluation of your journey. Everything from what you did right, where you want to improve, what have you learned, to even how you responded to adversity. Honest self evaluations will help you get a feel where you are at in this journey whether you need to make minor adjustments or just keep trucking along.

So here are a few evaluation questions and tests you can give yourself (and if any of you have any more good question post below and we can add them to the op).

  • List all the positive things you have done whether it be cutting your soda intake in half, eating less fast food, preparing more meals, or working out more. It is easy to get lost in the journey when at times you do not feel like you made any progress. Listing the positive things will help encourage you to continue on doing and improving on your positives.
  • Areas you would like to improve whether it be go to the gym more, eat less processed foods, drink more water, etc. We always want to strive to improve as continual improvements, even the minute ones, will help you get better.
  • Where are you at concerning your short term goals? If you listed a few short term goals take this time to see which goals you met and which ones you didn't and of the ones you failed to meet ask yourself why you failed to meet your goal. Just because you failed to meet some short term goals do not mean you are off track it could be those short term goals may have needed to be intermediate goals as they take time to get there. But goals such as eating more vegetables, if you failed to meet those goals then take the time to find out what kept you from meeting those goals and find ways to put yourself in a better situation to meet those goals
  • Where are you at with your long term goals? Is the path you are on steering you toward that goal, if not then take the time to figure out why.
There is no such thing as a magic pill if you want results you are going to have to work for it. You and either achieve by making a thousand cuts or die by a thousand cuts.
My positives: I actually did a much better job these past 2 months, particularly the last month, increasing my fresh vegetable intake. I also managed to cut more processed foods out of my diet. Another thing is thanks to some help from CK I managed to have more of a balanced diet that I can sustain and stick with. I am not going to blow smoke and say I have followed it perfectly along the way but I know what my meals should look like and that has really helped me. Because before I was just lost trying to figure out what my meals should look like.

Areas I want to improve: I still need to get more control of my sweet tooth. I have come a long way especially the past few months but I honestly know I still have room to improve. I have found recipes that help make healthier options and that is what has help me improve this far. Another area I need to improve is on days I only have 45 mins to work out I need to find ways to get the most out of those 45 minutes.

As far as long and short term goals: I been noticing that I am continuing to lean out more so I know I am on the right track. I just need to continue working on the sweet tooth and making sure that when I am working out I am getting the most out of my time there. I also want to continue to educate myself in fitness as I believe the more knowledge that I can forge toward me meeting my goals the better off I will be. During this period I have taken part in a mixture of disciplines whether it be crossfit, lifting, or bag work I am adding more weapons to my armory. I know I am one who can get bored easily so I have to continually mix things up to challenge me along the way. And I believe you can learn something from every one.
A majority of people want to lose weight, and they also seem to only focus on the number on the scale. People don't take into account muscle vs fat density and the fact that not all scales are created equal.

Take measurements of yourself. Has your bicep gotten bigger? Has your waist gotten smaller? Don't just focus on your overall weight. Photo documentation (the only time selfies are acceptable!) can play a big role in tracking your progress as well. Also, you will see yourself from another perspective if someone else takes a candid (or posed) shot of you.

Edit: I just saw your second post, @pc747, my post wasn't directed towards you. Just in general ;)
A tip that may work regarding your sweet tooth: stick with a "high quality" plain dark chocolate bar. I never was big on sweets, especially candy, but dark chocolate is my kryptonite. The fact that it's good for you (in moderation of course) really helps.
Small quantities of dark chocolate are pretty filling as well and it doesn't take much to curb (and satisfy) those sweet tooth cravings.

S5 tap'n
Think you're bad @pc747?? My downloads of the plan got borked.. And i was using a level 2 eating plan for level one.... Lol
Think you're bad @pc747?? My downloads of the plan got borked.. And i was using a level 2 eating plan for level one.... Lol
That would explain our disagreement over the egg whites.

I mainly wanted something i can sustain. I would rather gradually move to a plan that I can sustain vs rubber banding back and forth messing up my momentum. And that has been my thing. Will definitely look at the dark chocolate CR.
I spent my entire life bouncing from diet to diet plan to plan going from Atkins to fat free cardio to heavy lifting. Everyone has a plan and everyone believes there plan is the next best thing (not aiming my comment at any one). So basically I look for a plan that I can live with and by live with I mean after the "diet" is over and I met my goal will I be able to continue like life is normal or was this something just for losing weight. I am trying to make sure what I am doing is just not something to "lose weight".
Also it helps that people like cr6, 94lt1, ck, and others I have here I can regularly exchange information with.
That would explain our disagreement over the egg whites.

I mainly wanted something i can sustain. I would rather gradually move to a plan that I can sustain vs rubber banding back and forth messing up my momentum. And that has been my thing. Will definitely look at the dark chocolate CR.
I spent my entire life bouncing from diet to diet plan to plan going from Atkins to fat free cardio to heavy lifting. Everyone has a plan and everyone believes there plan is the next best thing (not aiming my comment at any one). So basically I look for a plan that I can live with and by live with I mean after the "diet" is over and I met my goal will I be able to continue like life is normal or was this something just for losing weight. I am trying to make sure what I am doing is just not something to "lose weight".
Also it helps that people like cr6, 94lt1, ck, and others I have here I can regularly exchange information with.
The egg whites disagreement was actually just me passing along that whole eggs are OK.. They're a good fat..

I eat whole eggs on actual level one.. :)
@cr6 I snagged up some dark chocolate.
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