Galaxy S5 Metal Casing Rumor Closer to Reality; Samsung Shopping for Metal Case OEM


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

According to the latest intel to come down the pipe, Samsung is indeed working toward outfitting some product in their future with a metal case. More than likely this will be the next-generation Galaxy S5. We have word that Samsung is close to securing a contract with Catcher, the Taiwanese company that makes the metal bodies of the HTC One and the iPad. Supposedly, they have been shopping around for an OEM which can supply the metal body for “at least one of its high-end smartphone models from the second quarter next year”.

This seems to confirm previous rumors we reported that the SGS5 might come with a metal outer shell. Additionally, there are reports that Samsung is setting up a test production line in Gumi, South Korea, and a mass production line in Vietnam. This would seem to suggest they are also close to a final design for the new phone.

It looks like Samsung is working hard to eliminate the one thing that they have received the most criticism for, their plastic outer device cases.

Source: AndroidAuthority
Aw man, talk about a wrench in my plans -- was just about to jump on the $50 HTC One!

One small problem with a metal case like the HTC One, no removable battery. I have actually really liked having that and would take that over a metal case anyway, my phone always goes inside another case anyway.
One small problem with a metal case like the HTC One, no removable battery. I have actually really liked having that and would take that over a metal case anyway, my phone always goes inside another case anyway.
I think the case vs. naked choice is a pretty personal thing -- people seem to feel really strongly one way or the other. In my case I prefer naked. As long as a metal phone doesn't have a death-grip issue (which, these days, HOW COULD IT?) I'd be alright with skipping the case.

But a non-removable battery is a lot harder to swallow. (Oops, poor choice of words!)

All of the original droids (Droid 1, Droid 2, Droid X, Droid X2) had a metal body and a removable battery and as previously stated were near indestructible. HTC wasn't being innovative by using metal in building their phone.
One small problem with a metal case like the HTC One, no removable battery. I have actually really liked having that and would take that over a metal case anyway, my phone always goes inside another case anyway.

Ding Ding Ding! He hit the Nail on the Head!!! May Signal problems unless they move the antenna inside.