Galaxy S8 Was Supposed To Come With An Optical Fingerprint Scanner


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Oct 6, 2011
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We had been hearing rumors for months that Samsung would included an optical fingerprint scanner embedded in the display of the Galaxy S8. However in the past few weeks all the leaks that we have seen include the fingerprint scanner on the back of the device. According to new reports Samsung has been pouring resources into Synaptics' nascent technology for the past year in hopes they would be able to deliver on the embedded fingerprint scanner, but the results were frustrating.

Samsung ended up making the last minute decision to place the fingerprint scanner on the back of the Galaxy S8 since the technology for the embedded fingerprint scanner just isn't quite ready. Samsung will likely push the iris scanning and facial recognition features of the phone in the absence of the embedded fingerprint scanner. We may see the embedded fingerprint scanner in the Note 8 later this year. Of course none of this has been confirmed by Samsung or Synaptics so take it as you will.

via TheInvestor
Starting off, i love my pixel xl. finger print scanner on the back is amazing reach into my pocket phone is unlocked coming up to my face.
the down side. fingerprints are the least secure biometric out there. it is so easy to take a finger print.
when i hear optical finger print scanner i just think of all the times i've ever had greasy fingers and left a perfect fingerprint on my phone.

technically the secure thing to do would be to have fingerprint and password but lets be honnest convinence over security.