Galaxy SIII.......

It is named as a killer of iPhone... But time will show...
It is named as a killer of iPhone... But time will show...

They say that about most new phones released not going to be better they will never beat auto I phone five will be even better when that's releases.I have had many Android but I keep going back to my I phone 4s..
I'm not to interested in an "iPhone killer". There will always be alternatives to the iPhone, and those are what I will always choose among. I don't think phone customers are looking for an iphone killer, and I personally don't care if, tomorrow, iphone either vanished completely or suddenly doubled in sales. I've chosen Android, and that's what I love.
I'm not buying the S3 as an alternative to apple's phone. I'm buying it because it's the best phone out there that does what I want a smartphone to do.