Google Paid Apple Big Bucks To Be Default Search Engine in Safari

cereal killer

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Oct 29, 2009
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With all the patent wars going on, the two behemoths do find ways to work together. According to Macquarie analyst Ben Schachter, Apple made $1 billion off Google in 2011 just by having it as the default search engine in Safari. That is some very hefty coin right there, but what if Apple decides to move away from the search engine? Some speculate that it could hurt the search giant, but according to Schachter it will hardly have an impact. Schachter believes Google got $335 million in net revenue from searches on iOS and Safari. Which is peanuts in Google money. Looking at this scenario, neither company would be negatively impacted, but Business Insider tells another story. According to Business Insider:

In the long run, though, it could hurt Google since the iPad appears to be taking over the world. If the iPad overtakes the PC in the next 5 years and it becomes the number one way people are searching, then Google will be in trouble

A little research reminds us that Android has the larger market share and Chrome is still the number one browser used in the world. Let's not forget about Chrome for mobile, which is still in the infancy stages. Will this be a devastating divorce similar to Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian? Nah, we don't think so either.

Source: Business Insider
What the....HECK??? :mad:

...If the iPad overtakes the PC in the next 5 years...

Really guys, how many times do I have to say this: we NEED to start our own tech blog. "If the iPad overtakes the PC..."??? I don't understand how someone can print that and stay in business.

What the....HECK??? :mad:

Really guys, how many times do I have to say this: we NEED to start our own tech blog. "If the iPad overtakes the PC..."??? I don't understand how someone can print that and stay in business.

You mean the iPad is not going to take over the world and make humans obsolete?
So,this is where all the money came from to keep Google in court.Wonder if Steve Jobs wouldve paid Google,ooh!wait,I can answer that-"Heck 2 the NO!!!!!!!!!!!" :D
did you mean pinky and the brain? Or did i just miss a joke?

EDIT : you got that song stuck in my head XD
Doesn't everybody use Google anyway?

Sent from my ADR6350 using DroidForums
did you mean pinky and the brain? Or did i just miss a joke?

EDIT : you got that song stuck in my head XD
Yes,I did mean Pinky and the Brain,and its their fault(Cartoon Channel)for takin it off tv :mad:.And yes,you did miss the joke,remind not to invite you to any of my parties.And I hope that song stays in your head for the next 2wks.:D
I read somewhere that the NEW apple management is trying to solve the dispute out of court. Trying to offer an olive branch that jobs burned before when it was just sprouting from a seed.

Steve Jobs' death clears way for Apple-Android peace talks ? The Register

DailyTech - Report: Apple Offers Android a Truce, Licensing for $5-$15 Per Device

Google should not agree to this.

Apple is done innovating. All they're done with their future devices is either making them more powerful or adding features that Android added to their devices first.

They're trying to reach an agreement so they can be safe as well in the future.

I think we can all agree that Google is far more innovative than apple is at the moment.