Google Talk Troubles - Appearing as "Unsubscribed"


New Member
Mar 19, 2010
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I'm currently using the Google Talk application from my Motorolla Droid. I didn't have any friends, and my girlfriend who has a Blackberry Curve, is always saying how much she wishes I had BBM. I told her about Talk, she wanted to try it out, and so I download the app onto her Blackberry. I tried to add her to my friends list, and she was able to talk to me, however I appear on her friends list as "Unsubscribed". On my phone, she doesn't even appear on my friends list. In a second attempt, she tried to invite me. I never received any form of invitation.

Assuming it was a problem with one of our apps, we found another friend of mine using a Droid and Talk, and we both tried to add him. It worked perfectly for both of us. He appeared on our friends lists and there were no problems.

Why is it that I am appearing as "unsubscribed" on my girlfriend's friends list, and she isn't showing up on mine at all?

Thanks in advance!