Haptic feedback quit working


Dec 24, 2010
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Sheesh. I feel like I can't get a break lately. So, I just had to do a factory reset on my phone (it's been ~ 2 weeks) to fix another issue (all of my ringtones - stock and personalized - went totally missing). Ever since the reset, with the exception of the first day or two, haptic feedback isn't working -- so it worked at first and then stopped working. I've got it set to on. I don't have any new apps now that I didn't have before the reset and all of my apps are totally updated. It worked just fine before the reset.

S3, version 4.3


(I know it's a battery drain and not everyone likes it, but I do like it and I want it back).
Did you happen to turn on Power Saving mode? I think there's a setting in there that turns off Haptic Feedback, even if it's on in the sound settings.
I had same issues. Power saving mode issues. Check them.
If it still doesn't work after you check the settings, try pulling the battery for a full 10 minutes Let us know the result.