Help! After Razr JB Update w/Voodookeeper, I only have a partial root


Feb 23, 2010
Reaction score

So this is weird. I had ICS rooted just fine (with about 10 root-aware apps working fine) on my Razr MAXX, double-checked with Voodoo that I had root, re-backed it up, unrooted, did the OTA update, got JB, and re-applied my root. Voodoo said I had root again, and my apps that need root (like Reboot, or Titanium) all work fine and they say they have root. (But oddly, none of them make the "granted root access" popup appear when they work.)

Now the weirdness starts.

I downloaded another root-requiring app, and it couldn't get root. Hmm. I downloaded a new root checker, and it said I didn't have root. Double-hmmm. I then check all my existing rooted apps, and they all claim to have root and work fine.

So it seems like new apps can't get root.

I then checked Superuser, saw it was out of date (it has, and the built-in updater downloads the binary, but it then says "Gaining Root Access...Fail!!!".

Hmmmmm again.

I tried the new Razor Blade exploit, but there are errors:
[*] Phase three (this will take a minute)...
failed on '/data/logger' - Permission denied
mkdir failed for /data/logger, File exists
Unable to chmod /data/logger: Operation not permitted link failed File exists

[*] Phase four...
2719 KB/s (543080 bytes in 0.195s)
2853 KB/s (1867568 bytes in 0.639s)
4390 KB/s (476557 bytes in 0.106s)
Phase 4 Segmentation fault

So I still have root access for my apps that already had root before, but new apps still don't, including, it seems, Superuser itself.

Voodoo STILL says the Superuser app is installed, the Device is rooted, Root permissions are granted, /system supports root protection, and a protected su copy is available.

I can use the Terminal Emulator and I can su without errors and get the # prompt, so something tells me the Superuser APK is where the problem lies, but I don't know much about solving it.

So, I could really use a hand straightening this out. Any pointers?

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So, to help anyone else who may have experienced this problem, I have found a solution.

Basically, Voodoo Rootkeeper did not completely restore root and the su and Superuser.apk binaries with the proper permissions.

While I had installed the Android SDK and was able to issue root commands via my PC, I found others with the same problem and it seems Matt had created a tool that solved the problem. And indeed, the RestoreRoot tool worked just fine.

This thread ([Q] How to Re-root JB After Having to Factory Reset - xda-developers) on another site (sorry Droidforums) has the discussion and the links to the tool.

Hope this helps someone else.
