horriable download speeds


New Member
Mar 30, 2012
Reaction score
I have a rooted droid razr running 4.1.2. I have not made any other modifications. I am having and issue when i run a speed test. i am averaging about 600kbps download and 11000 upload. From what i know this is very slow on the dl and good on the upload I would like to figure out what the issue is or is i need to unroot and give the big V a call.

Thanks for the info,
Your download speed is running no where close to where the upload is. Normally if I am getting 11000 on the upload, then I'm getting 20,000+. Before going down different routes and adjusting settings, there is an app that I recommend to use to refresh the signal. I've had this app for a couple of years and it's changed over time, but this seems to be a late version of the app, called Network Signal Speed Booster. Basically, this app refreshes your signal, which it happens to work better in most cases than a signal refresh, of course to refresh your signal just hit *228 and send. I would try out both see if there is any improvement, if not respond and let us know which device you have.
Thank you very much. i don't know if it was the day or location or phone but the last test i did was18477 and 8467. That was after the signal refresh. Thanks for the app link i will keep that in my tool belt.
