HTML5 and Browser


New Member
Jan 21, 2010
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So I've been reading that the Droid comes with an "HTML5 browser," so I decided to look up websites that support the new standard. I found that Daily Motion supports HTML5, but I can't seem to get any videos to load on the browser.

Is there any reason the Droid browser shouldn't load them?

:icon_ banana:
HTML5 is has a number of new features, a website can convert their pages over to HTML5 (transitional) without converting all of their flash based videos to HTML 5 compatible H264. Do you know for sure that the Daily Motion has converted all of their videos?
I'm nto sure about which videos they have converted, but I tried clicking on the newer videos to see if they worked. Instead of playing the video, it just sits there.
I'm nto sure about which videos they have converted, but I tried clicking on the newer videos to see if they worked. Instead of playing the video, it just sits there.

I would have to spend some time going through the page source but it looks like Daily Motion is still using Flash for their video player. A lot of sites are converting their pages to HTML5 but retaining their Flash and Javascript components for now as Gecko and Webkit based browsers seem to be the only ones (IIRC) properly supporting HTML5 video. When Trident gets proper HTML5 it will give these sites the push to finish changing over to full HTML5 compliance.
Ah, I see. Well, thanks for the answers! I guess all there is to do is sit and wait.