I left the droid bandwagon.

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Feb 13, 2013
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Android is not intended to be a simple, monotonous interface. Like someone said, the user tends to be their own worst enemy. With some relatively simple tweaks you can get incredible performance on Android.

But stuff that causes lag and saps resources like widgets and multi-tasking is kind of THE reason to use Android.

I'll never give-up my widgets. An extra half second for a web page to load is a very small trade-off. And thanks to widgets and a couple of readers, I go to the web less and less.

What tweak? lemme guess, root? NAH SON!


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Oct 16, 2011
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Michigan, USA
What tweak? lemme guess, root? NAH SON!

Root is for very advanced users, which you are not. If you were, you would understand the power of it.

Hence the reason manufacturers discourage it, so users like you don't hurt yourself, and blame
them. Which, by the way, you seem to have no problem doing without being rooted.


Feb 13, 2013
Reaction score
Root is for very advanced users, which you are not. If you were, you would understand the power of it.

Hence the reason manufacturers discourage it, so users like you don't hurt yourself, and blame
them. Which, by the way, you seem to have no problem doing without being rooted.

LOL, I have been overclocking CPUs for over a decade now. I know what rooting can do. The reason they do not condone it is due to the fact that back in the day they didnt condone overclocking CPUs and GPUs due to the simple fact of overheating and/or just simply breaking it.

Look, Android is nice, it was a lot better back in the day when you COULD do a lot more with performance than what they give you today, hence "rooting". Android 1.6 I remember allowed you to overclock without rooting, now its just as locked up as an iPhone.

Everyone knows this. Hell, I cant even take the Verizon bloatware off my phone without voiding the warranty? Seriously?

Edit: I wanted to add before you come back and say "Well if do all that to computers, why not your phone?"

Answer: Rooting CAN brick a phone, just like overclocking, BUT, the difference is I can swap parts out with a PC, on this phone, you cant swap much out except for the digi/lcd and perhaps a few of the ports.

So, no, rooting is not an answer, its unacceptable actually to tell someone who bought a premium device that their phone is now outdated after a year and change and they have to risk bricking the entire phone to get better performance.

Please, never open your own company.

And no, I guess I am not an "advanced cell phone user", I was under the impression buying a premium Droid device would allow me to do what I needed, guess I was wrong. iOS runs much smoother than Android, stock, I can only imagine what a jail broken one can do!
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Dec 13, 2011
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Staten Island, New York
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Note 10+
Let me remind everyone the small insults are not accepted here on the forum ..we have some good comments and then I see digs not needed by others..think b4 you post ...

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