I really dislike my contact list after OS update

Sir Not Appearing

New Member
May 18, 2010
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I just got my Droid Eris last week and I have to say I really like it and all the features. However, after getting my OS update Sunday night, I now have a new issue with my contacts. When I first got the phone, I entered my contacts and had it pull their pics from Facebook. It seemed harmless enough and I was happy.

After the update, when I press the "phone" icon it brings up my entire Facebook friend list with their phone numbers and I don't like this at all due to my hamfisted ways and accidentally calling people I haven't seen in person or talked to in 15+years. If I click the phone icon-->menu-->People, then its my old list that I built myself with people that I actually talk to. How can I get get the phone to not list all my Facebook contacts when clicking the "Phone" icon and just the people I manually entered into the phone as contacts?

Cliff Notes version: I like having the Facebook stuff linked to the people I added to my conatcts like it was prior to the OS update, but I don't want the phone to bring up every Facebook friend in when I click the phone icon.
Go into your Facebook app settings and select 'Sync with existing contacts'. You've got 'Sync all' selected.

Edit: I just saw that this was for the Eris. This works for the Droid, I don't know for sure that it operates the same way on your phone.