ICS could give the next Droid Pro a bigger screen


Nov 20, 2010
Reaction score
So I was thinking if Motorola decides to release another droid pro, they could throw ics on it and get rid of the four keys above the keyboard and make the screen a tad bit bigger..just sayin
I'm not sure, but the pro wasn't as popular as was expected, I don't really think moto will produce another device of this type, it was really just made to get blackberry users in the Droid frame of mind. But hey I hope they do I liked my pro.
I loved my Droid Pro for the short amount of time that I had it. I would love to see a successor to it.
They could give it a larger display by giving it a portrait slider. Like some of the newer BBs and the Pre.

Some of the other Pro like Moto phones I think have 3.2" displays.
I'm seeing a lot of cheap phones with the portrait style keyboard. I picked up this venture phone for virgin mobile. Seeing that motorola released a few portrait style keyboards, I'm hoping they continue to do so. Even if it ain't a high end phone.