IM app that doesn't Kill the battery?


New Member
Nov 10, 2009
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So i've seen a bunch of theads about the various IM apps people have been using.

But I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts on which one has the least impact on battery life.
I tried out HI AIM and HI MSN (2 seperate apps) for a few days, and they were fine.. but they totally destroyed the battery.

I'm really looking for something (primarily for aim) that isnt going to drain the battery dry even if i keep it running when pop the phone into sleep.

For example:
With those two apps running, phone goes from 100% charge > 40% charge overnight (approx 9 hours)

When i closes those apps, phone goes from 90% >80% over same timeframe.

Problem is, in order to maintain a connection to AIM or whatever IM service you're using, the phone is going to need a constant data connection. This is going to drain the crap out of your battery, no matter what program you're using :(
Please note... Anything that uses the data part of the phone is considered 'active use' or 'talk time'. IM uses data, just like mail, calendar syncing, weatherbug updates and the like. As long as their is a 'constant' stream of information, you are essentially 'talking'.

No app out there will not 'destroy the battery' power wise. You just have to be consciously aware that the more 'stuff' you are running that uses the network, will drain your battery a little more because of the power requirements to broadcast (Make requests) as well as passively receiving broadcasts.

Just so you know, IM programs will constantly ping "I'm online" to the IM servers, which means it will send as well as receive messages. I mean, how else will people know you are on IM if your IM app doesn't go, "Oi! I'm on!"?
I keep my Gtalk running the background and haven't really noticed any bad battery life. It's too bad Google didn't make it a multi IM client and allow us to sign onto AIM and other services.
If they did allow it to go onto aim... you'd see the same problem with battery life as the OP was just talking about.
Gtalk uses little battery because of the way the phone interacts with google.. its basically like getting a google email on your phone, but instead its an IM. Its not constantly interacting with the server like it would if it were AIM.
Wouldn't the Gtalk have to tell the servers that I'm constantly online also? I don't understand how the gtalk app is any different than an aim app. They both have to keep telling the server that you're logged in and checking for messages.
yeah but i'm not quite sure how google has it set up, i mean they could have it set up to where you log in, it tells the server that your logged in, and then kinda goes into a dormant mode on the phone until the server tells it hey... incoming IM. (not saying that's how it is)
Problem is, in order to maintain a connection to AIM or whatever IM service you're using, the phone is going to need a constant data connection. This is going to drain the crap out of your battery, no matter what program you're using :(

I realize that I'm going to take a hit on battery life by running AIM in the background. I just think that kind of consumption is a little bit overboard.

I mean i've run the multi IM apps on my dumber phones in the past. (anything from the Razr to the voyager and touch) and never had that kind of hit before.
Like Enk said about the Gtalk. I would have guessed that runs on some kind of similar principles heh.

I know I'm taking a hit if i run one. I'll accept that. I guess I was just wanting to to know of anyone had any suggestions if anyone is less consuming than any of the others?
Problem is, in order to maintain a connection to AIM or whatever IM service you're using, the phone is going to need a constant data connection. This is going to drain the crap out of your battery, no matter what program you're using :(

I realize that I'm going to take a hit on battery life by running AIM in the background. I just think that kind of consumption is a little bit overboard.

I mean i've run the multi IM apps on my dumber phones in the past. (anything from the Razr to the voyager and touch) and never had that kind of hit before.
Like Enk said about the Gtalk. I would have guessed that runs on some kind of similar principles heh.

I know I'm taking a hit if i run one. I'll accept that. I guess I was just wanting to to know of anyone had any suggestions if anyone is less consuming than any of the others?
Dude I got to sat that ebuddy can last a whole day, you should give it a try. I believe ebuddy does something like gtalk does, i guess because it is a web service.. don;t know but ebuddy can last for a long day. Of course the more I use it (the more I chat) it consumes battery that is coz 2 things, sending and receiving packages, and coz when I chat the screen is on (duh)