Instagram will not post photos to Facebook timeline


Senior Member
Nov 5, 2010
Reaction score
This just started out of the blue. I select Facebook from the list of social networks I want to share a photo taken on Instagram to and tap the arrow. It says, "Photo was successfully shared." However, when I check my Facebook timeline and Instagram album, the photo is nowhere to be seen.

Steps taken:

1. Unlinked Facebook account in Instagram app settings and relinked.
2. Uninstall/reinstalled both Instagram and Facebook apps.
3. Deleted Instagram app from allowed apps in my Facebook account settings.
4. Reset data on Facebook and Instagram apps.
5. Logged into Instagram with Facebook to reset posting permissions.
6. Deleted the existing Instagram photo album in the hope it would create a new one and somehow start working again.
7. Clicked on Send to Mobile on this page.

None of these have worked. No Instagram photos show up on my time and no new Instagram album has been created. This happened to me once last year and my only recourse was to create an entirely new Instagram account and link it to Facebook. I would rather not have to start a new account, as I have many friends on the current one and would hate for them to have to follow another new account.

Thank you.
The link in #7 is broken, but probably because you were logged in to your account when you copied it. I've got instagram installed, but I haven't added anything new to it in years. Haha! Wish I could be of more assistance, but you've checked and tried just about everything I would've tried.

Only other thing I can think of is maybe trying to contact the dev of the instagram app? I'm sure their response time will be long, but couldn't hurt to at least try to open the lines of communication while trying to figure out what else you can do on your end...
I'll try it. I haven't much hope though.

Tappin' and talkin' with Tapatalk.
I just tried reporting the problem through the app's feedback and report a problem links and neither of them would send. That doesn't say much for Instagram's user support.
As do I. Thanks.

Tappin' and talkin' with Tapatalk.