Installing new screen, hardware connection issue


New Member
Jun 20, 2011
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Hi everyone,

My Droid X faceplanted and spiderwebbed, so I ordered Motorola Droid X MB810 Digitizer touch screen glass lens: Everything Else to replace it myself. Everything was fine until I noticed that one of the connectors is the wrong side. If you look at the picture of the screen/digitizer, the electric ribbon has 2 connectors. The first was a couple of mm too small, and thus couldn't receive the ribbon from the motherboard of the phone.

I got a refund and I'd like to order the screen and try again, but I'm worried that it would be the same issue of the wrong size. Does anyone have any experience with this? I can't find any serial or model numbers that would differentiate the hardware - the phone and the part are both the MB810.

Thanks very much!
Same problem here. find that out after all those screws!
What did you do? Did you order a new screen? If so, from where?