Is there a Reason Why People Don't ROOT or more?

I agree. Like people who don't understand computers, and end up deleting something they shouldn't delete.
I did that with my first PC. Major dramas with a cast of thousands then ensued.
"I think many people have warranty concerns, since rooting can void the warranty."

Yes, that's my main concern. Mowed a lot of lawns for this phone :haha:
I really want to try that XenonHD ROM. Thinking about Rooting.

I've done plenty of rooting before on my last phone. I found all the links I need. I just want to make sure I have the steps in order.
: Root the phone
: Then unlock the Bootloader

It has to be done in this order, right?
or is it the other way?
Here's my two cents, that I want to submit before reading the other replies:
I spend a lot of time on this forum, and all the descriptions of the RESULTS of rooting sound great! Beautiful screens and wonderful themes and so on. It's very tempting...
HOWEVER!! My Galaxy Note II cost $250...and would cost a lot to replace. And all the descriptions of HOW to root sound complicated, and all of them carry warnings about what could go wrong. If there was some way that was easy (and not just DESCRIBED as easy by whoever came up with it)....AND if there were an easy way to recover the phone if anything did go wrong, then I'd definitely try it.
But as it stands now, it seems like a complicated process where things could go wrong at every step (this may not be true, but it SEEMS like it from the descriptions), so I can't risk my Note. It's not only expensive, but, as it's configured now, it does everything I want. It's great with videos, games, Internet, and yes, even calls! It's literally everything I want in a phone/tablet hybrid.
Thought about rooting all my devices back to the OG Droid and never made the move. More out of lack of time and interest in trying different Roms than anything else. Sure, getting rid of the bloatware would be nice, but now I just hide ask the apps I don't want to see and then ignore the updates. As for themes, Nova launcher and UCCW have provided me with nearly unlimited options. Also, I've not come across an app that I was interested in that needed root, so it's stock for the foreseeable future.
I really want to try that XenonHD ROM. Thinking about Rooting.

I've done plenty of rooting before on my last phone. I found all the links I need. I just want to make sure I have the steps in order.
: Root the phone
: Then unlock the Bootloader

It has to be done in this order, right?
or is it the other way?

yes you must root first.
If you did not respond to the other thread, this one is directed at you. I'm curious to get this answer, please refrain from any bashing of any sort. This is an informational thread, for those to understand why and for those to understand what simply do not know enough about. This is a community on, so please treat the community as one and simply answer the question as honestly and open as possible. Thank you.

I would love to root, but, but sounds to unstable, like the phone is already. Like PereDroid stated every ROM has some issue. No thanks. I have enough issues with the phone stock, last thing I need to do is mess with it more.

I tell ya, if there is a root that works flawlessy, let me know, sick of this phones problems, and I had Verizon check it out, and they said... drum roll.... they are aware of these phones glitching. So, at least I now know I am not crazy! LOL
This is what I used to root, unlock the bootloader and install a custom recovery.
Easiest and sweat free, just read the instructions a few times and be ready to be truly content with your phone once done.

Rom I am using now has no issues at all, everything works.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2
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