Job at Verizon???


Jan 11, 2011
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Im an 18yr old senior in high school. (Graduating in less than a week) Had a pretty steady job of 2 years at a local store. I love phones!, I was thinking about getting a job at Verizon while I go through college.
Has anyone worked there before and if so is this a good/decent job to go through through college.

Any thoughts?

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I have a friend who did that. He ended up changing his major to business and made a career out of it. He said they paid well and worked with his schedule.

So go for it. If it doesn't work out its as simple as giving your notice.

Good luck

Sent from my phone. That's Incredible 2!
Please do, we need more people that work at Verizon to visit these forums. Maybe it'll curb the amount of ATK apps that get installed. ;)
Please do, we need more people that work at Verizon to visit these forums. Maybe it'll curb the amount of ATK apps that get installed. ;)

I was thinking this would also benefit the DROID forums as I would be able to give news or anything that I find out. Lol

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