Large PDF files?


Jan 3, 2010
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So I was just wondering, Im pretty sure the droid can read pdf, or has an app for it, but can anybody tell me how good it is at reading huge pdfs? Ive got a few pdfs above 100mb, with lots of pictures, etc.

Can it run it smoothly?
So I was just wondering, Im pretty sure the droid can read pdf, or has an app for it, but can anybody tell me how good it is at reading huge pdfs? Ive got a few pdfs above 100mb, with lots of pictures, etc.

Can it run it smoothly?

You will need something to read the pdf. Docs to Go seems to be the popular one but it does cost around 20.00. There are others. Unfortunately I have no idea about file sizes or any limitations hopefully someone can answer that question for you.
So I was just wondering, Im pretty sure the droid can read pdf, or has an app for it, but can anybody tell me how good it is at reading huge pdfs? Ive got a few pdfs above 100mb, with lots of pictures, etc.

Can it run it smoothly?

Well, this probably won't be much help. I just opened DoToGo and the largest pdf I have is only 1.93mb. It opened fine and took a bit to load each page, but after all pages were loaded, it ripped right through them is a speedy and smooth manner. Give me a little time and I'll put a large file on the droid and see how it does. However, I just looked and the largest pdf I have is only 30mb. So, still not apple to apples, wait I hate Apple, let's make it Oranges to Oranges comparison. But it's the best I can do. More later
i think i've tried a 10mb textbook, and it worked pretty well too. i'm not sure how much it buffers, i think just the few pages surrounding the page you are on. so if you start toflip through it really fast, it will slow down a little, but it was still totally usable.

Thanks for the info guys. The PDFs im talking about are strategy guides for some games (the reason i'd wanna use my droid is cuz i use my TV for both my moniter and my xbox, plus my computer is pretty old, so these things kinda make my computer hang a bit every so often)

Anyways, what about large resolution pages and/or zooming?
you dont need any apps to read PDF's, your phone does that stock already. 100mb pdf is pretty big but it buffers page by page so it wont load the whole thing at once, so it probably wont be that bad

heres a test pdf file you can view on your droid to see how it runs, its works really well i think.

So what am i missing about pdfs? shouldnt i be able to open or save them from an email? there is usually an open button on them in my emails but never a save button. the open button always comes up with "this attachment cannot be displayed".

i bought docs2go thinking this would help but no dice.


As far as PDF that i put on the SD card from my comp, it reads those just fine, so as far as the 100mb size goes it may just take a little bit to load but should work ok.
You can't long press pdf attachments and save/copy?... I can.
I use a lot of pdfs in my business. I send and open and read pdfs everyday on my Droid. But I regularly up load pdfs that are 50-90 pages with a lot of pictures to a password protected web site from my PC. When I need access on the fly, I have to open from my lap top. Droid will not open those large files. What could I use to open these files on my Droid?
Too big for a small gadget.
Agree to use a laptop. Or net book?
Too big for a small gadget.
Agree to use a laptop. Or net book?

I already do that as indicated above, but on occasion that is not an immediate option. Besides, the fanbois can not do it, how can I impress them if Droid don't?
Inconsistency in reading PDF Files

I am on phone 3 trying to read a pdf file from the web. Before I bought the droid x I tried the demo model in the store. I could download the PDF in the store. Of course they had already sold out the first four hours so mine was ordered. When I got it I tried several different PDF viewers to view the same web site/report in pdf. No luck nore would it read any pdf emailed to me. Went to store they could read the file on the tech's phone - phone warrantied out twice now and still same problem. I can view a pdf file on the web except for the one I viewed in the store. Everyone at Motorolla keeps saying it is the the pdf file and if that is the case why did two different droid x open it? Motorollo hasn't a clue. Anyone have any ideas?
Tamthegr8, no help for your issue. I can open very large PDFs from an attachment. I can not however open the same pdf from a web site I consistently use for business. I would be willing to try your no-open issue, if you try mine. It may not help, but... who knows?