Latest Software Update - 4G Assassinated


New Member
Jun 14, 2011
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Hey guys so for a while I had this problem on my beloved HTC thunderbolt

A few weeks ago my 4G was getting really slow, so I rage quit internet browsing. Instead, I started to look through my phone contents and noticed that there was an option to Update it. And so I searched for the latest update, got it, and downloaded it. After everything was finished, I was satisfied. Or so I thought...

Shortly after I had finished Updating, I of course Went back to internet browsing. But the thing that I noticed was that 4G was now slower than ever. It takes a really long time to load webpages, even just

I mostly go to youtube alot and Whenever I try to load pages, it loads really slow. However Once it is done loading and I click to play a video, it loads just fine...most of the time.

After a While, I couldnt take it anymore, and so I switched to 3g mode, using the Phone Info app that I have. What I noticed then was pretty cool
Before the update, whenever I had to switch to 3g, the internet speed was terrible and extremely slow. Now, My internet speeds with 3G have been much faster, but still falls short when compared to my old 4G speed.

When I try this new 3G speed on youtube and stuff, It loads fine but the videos take a really long time to load, and even when it does, It actually buffers, something that I have never experienced on a Phone before. Not even my old Blackberry Storm did that when it came to youtube videos.

So now im stuck searching for Clues, Answers, and Hopefully, Solutions that Can help solve my problem!

What happened to my 4G? It feels like my 4G speed switched with my 3G speed! I searched on how to downgrade this update, but I only got solutions where you need to root your phone. I dont want to void my warranty or brick-break or whatever my phone as well.

I have tried to...

Hard-reset my phone [I think its called that]
But after everything is done I still have the latest update

Rebooting Phone various times in 4G and 3G

Airplane Mode On and off

....And yeah Im very sorry for this wall-of-text But Im getting really desperate for my Old 4G Speeds back on my thunderbolt!

Please Droid Forum! I request your help! :(

P.S. - Is there like a Thunderbolt blog or something that I can follow?
Like at times when 4G is down and I dont know why, It would be nice to follow a Thunderbolt connection blog or something to know whats going on and why. I tried some Thunderbolt twitters, but most of their tweets/posts or whatever are just links to buying Accessories and stuff
there is an ongoing issue with accessing, i actually posted a thread about it.. google hangs.. yahoo, espn, all comes up normally.. just google is lagging for me..

can you try to browse to and see if it comes up?
I have tried all the Websites you just listed on my 4G
Every site actually loaded just fine except google.
Out of curiosity, I tried loading youtube as well, but it loads just as slow as
I think youtube and google are linked.. i sign into youtube with my google creds so.. hang in there.. it will get fixed.. once more people complain to vzw. ;)
Dam I really hope its just Google and its domain that is slow, not my 4G
there is an ongoing issue with accessing, i actually posted a thread about it.. google hangs.. yahoo, espn, all comes up normally.. just google is lagging for me..

can you try to browse to and see if it comes up?

I was having this issue with slow google too..
And also stock clock widget saying "current location" "most" of the time...:(

But google map seems fine to me tho..

Google guys need to do something about it, seriously..

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
there is an ongoing issue with accessing, i actually posted a thread about it.. google hangs.. yahoo, espn, all comes up normally.. just google is lagging for me..

can you try to browse to and see if it comes up?

Try turning off GPS. All 3 location services, uncheck them. See what happens.
Have you tried to go to the full Google site instead of Android custom site? Could just be the Android site.

Sent from my Thunderbolt!!