Light pixels on screen give an after image


New Member
Jun 20, 2017
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Current Phone Model
Moto G4
Hey guys , i have been having this annoying problem where anything light/whitish on my screen stays and gives after images when there is something darker on the screen after that. For example my clock and notifications in the upper right of my screen are white (android 7). When i watch a youtube video, or just anything, and the video is a bit darker , you can see the clock and notifications in the spot they are normally. To better explain this , i recorded my screen and uploaded it as a private yt video :
(See edit bottom of post) Explanation of the video : i open up the app drawer(white and some icons) and then i drag down my notifications from the top. Now my screen goes dark greyish , and you can still see the white app drawer on the sides. Notice how at the beginning of the video the app drawer hasn't even been on my screen for 3 minutes and it still hasn't faded , it does become more visible after i let the app drawer rest on my screen in the middle of the video.

Phone : Moto G4
Problem since 1-2 weeks ( i have this phone for about 11 months now)
Stock android 7 , no fiddling with root or developer settings , everything stock. I have not yet tried a factory reset as i would like to do that as a last resort. (I'm simply a bit lazy and don't want to redownload everything, i do factory resets every 3-4 months anyways)

Edit: ok , i feel kinda stupid but it's possible that you can't see it on the video , i tested if it was visible and it was , but i tested with my phone which has the problem , just think of it as like the light pixels are getting burned into the screen and stay visible for a period of time (more than 5 minutes)
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Welcome to DroidForums, Magmaz. Like you said, I was not able to see the problem from the video, although I can imagine it's annoying. I have no idea what may be causing it. Have you tried safe mode to see if it still occurs. If it does not happen in safe mode, then it would be an app that is causing it. You should still be under warranty so if it is a hardware defect, you will want to get a replacement. Try safe mode to see what happens.

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Thanks a lot for your help, I tested it in safe mode and the problem is still occurring. As i feared it's probably a hardware problem. Just to be sure i will do a factory reset tomorrow. I'm going to have to do it anyways if i'm going to send it back for warranty.

Again you were a big help since i didn't even know safe mode existed for phones, i usually fiddle around with pc's and the last time i did with phones it was still good old gingerbread :)
Hopefully a factory data reset (fdr) will fix the problem. That was going to be my next suggestion but it can be a pita. Actually the fdr is easy. It's making sure you have backed up all your data, pics, documents, phone logs, texts, etc, etc, etc that's a pita.

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did a quick websearch on this and found the screen burn in is actually a common problem for the moto g4. I thought we would never see the problem again when we quit using crt monitors.

the following website has a work around and several solutions. There are also links to similar questions in the lenovo forum and xda developers where you can possibly get other solutions.

10 troublesome Moto G4 problems, and what to do about them