Lithium Mod goes into reboot loop after turning WiFi on..


Dec 22, 2009
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In a house
Title says it all...came from Kangerade 5.0.9 to Lithium Mod a few days ago. It's been working flawlessly since until an hour ago when I turned WiFi on for the first time since installing it. Just touched the WiFi button on the Power Widget. Droid locked up, then rebooted. From that moment on, it would either just endlessly reboot, or, sometimes I could get as far as the home screen, but touch anything, and it locked up. Sometimes it locked up right at the lock screen after booting.
Only way I could fix it was to boot into Clockwork Recovery and restore to Kangerade backup made right before installing Lithium Mod. So far, everything's back to normal - and WiFi is on and working just fine.
Don't know what caused it, but just putting it out there that it happened to me.
Hi PJ,
Not today...I'd been running Chevy No.1's 1250mHz low voltage kernel with Kangerade 5.0.9 using SetCPU to be on demand and that's been working just fine. Once I installed LithMod, I re-installed the 1250mHz and it ran fine for a few days until like I said, I turned WiFi on, then it went nuts. I've since restored back to Kangerade 5.0.9 with the 1250mHz and it now runs fine, WiFi and all.

Do you think the Kernel did it?
my guess would've been the kernel. when i 1st switched to LithMod i put that kernel on too. i think my wifi must've already been on cuz i got nothing but boot loops with that kernel right off the bat. so i done some more wiping and went back to the stock kernel for a bit and got everything working. then switched to a jdlfg 1.2G kernel and have been running well with it.