Location of Second Mic


New Member
Jan 8, 2010
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Can anyone show me a pic of the exact location of the second mic that is used for noise cancellation? I have a zagg skin and I think it is covering the mic but I don't want to remove the skin until I know exactly where the mic is located.

Thanks, I did a search and found many posts on the noise issues but didn't find this one on with the pic of the second mic loc.
I know the search feature here sucks and isn't really anyone's friend - I was just being a smart*as. Just trying to entertain myself on a rainy morning.

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I know the search feature here sucks and isn't really anyone's friend - I was just being a smart*as. Just trying to entertain myself on a rainy morning.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
what is this "rain" of which you speak?

Sure wish I didn't know the answer to that!! Rains every day here. Ruining the fishing and the grass has to cut twice a week. Sick of it.:)
Is it even active? I didn't think the Verizon version even had a hole in the case where the mic really is.