looking for app


New Member
I noticed that the Iphone has an app for finding sex offenders in your neighborhood or where ever you are located by using the gps on the phone. Does anyone know of one for this phone?


The iPhone app was one of the worst apps I ever used. And of course I bought it before they divulged that the paid app did not have California sex offenders in it. If the developer had been near me I would have choked the life out of him when my grandson went missing and we didn't have that as a possible starting point.


New Member
That sucks

That sucks!!!!! I did check out the apps and most of the people didn't like them. I just remembered a local tv station doing a piece on the iphone app and thought maybe there was one for the droid. i guess i will have to do it the old fashion way and look it up on line before we go anywhere. Thanks for the info.


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I hope a good app comes out for this also. Not making light of these despicable people, but I once saw someone wearing a shirt that said "The best candy come from strangers."