Lost 4g and stock build.prop help


Feb 28, 2010
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Greetings, all

It's been a LONG time since my last post. But I'm in need of some help. I have a Verizon S4 SCHI545,

1) I changed the name and device name in the build.prop, which gave me S5 features. The problem is, I forgot to write down what the original name and device was. I guess you're never too seasoned to make a rookie move. Can anyone help me out with the answer?

2) I noticed that the phone was only connecting to 3g. I went to mobile networks. I found that where the network selection usually is, it read as such in greyed out lettering "ROAMING". Below that, it read "Not Roaming".

I searched these forums, as best as I could but found neither question addressed.. I hope I'm not asking questions, which were previously answered.

Your help would be GREATLY appreciated.
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Being that you changed the build prop, I assume that your device is rooted? Wouldn't you be able to simply reflash the stock firmware?
Hopefully one of our more knowledgeable members can confirm.

tap'n on my S5
There ya GO!! That is the Stock Build.prop
As far as the connect issue goes, you might wanna seriously think about reflashing to stock, but if you don't want to flash everything and lose your root....then you might wanna odin a modified .tar to it without the system aspects in the file! I can assist you with that if you would like! ;) Just PM me a message


  • build.prop.txt
    7.8 KB · Views: 1,866
I recommend you:

Turn "OFF" the device.
Remove the SIM chip from the phone.
Power the device "ON" without the SIM installed.
~wait~ till the toast pops up that you need a SIM installed.
Power the device "OFF" again.
Reinstall the SIM chip.

This should reset your radios to factory again and reprogram your service.

Tap'n on my Galaxy S4!
Well, I again have network selection back. I'm still missing 4g. I'd like to find a stock ROM, flash back to it and start over. Any and all assistance is appreciated. Thanks for the help, Kaos. I'll take anything you can come up with.