Making new Ring Tone - Loading it.


Sep 14, 2013
Reaction score
Current Phone Model
S4 White SCH1545
I searched 10 pages back in GS4 forum - and don't see any results on the step by step of making a ring tone on the Mac to getting it on the phone - if Kies apps is running.

Here's the weird part - I did make one way last fall - and I' can't figure out how I did it.
It works perfect as well - it's a sound bite from movie app sound effects file of drag race.

I have edited a new tune on the Mac down to about 12-15 seconds - and now I'm dead in the water to do what's next.

On the phone - Settings - Sound, my race sound file is shown.
A tab at the bottom shows add - well I goofed this up by the 2 choices given - I picked files/computer - then blew it, clicking default always.

Doing so, I may have removed the option to import a sound/tune file - not sure.
So I restarted the phone - and default always for computer files remains the only option.

Maybe someone can steer the basic steps of how to do this again.
I'm sure I didn't use any playstore app - that I know of.

So here's my default 'ADD Option' for sound - Now.
No Clue how this is going to work - Yet.
Found a related topic - maybe I can implement similar tactics.
Transferring Ring tone Android Forums at

Computer Files, phone, 480x.jpg
Last edited:
Finally figured it out.
Saved sound file to file,
From laptop Kies app - Import file to Kies-
Transfer file to handset - I win.

I modified tune from Crystal Method, High Roller. Killer sound bite.