maybe old news.. but 2.1 will be here 1/26 or 1/27 apparently..

Why wouldn't they?

Well Verizon reps were warned Wednesday will be a very busy for them. But most assume its because of whatever Apple will be announcing.

When Verizon gets the iPhone, one would hope that their stores would be notified and trained on it beforehand. They're not just suddenly going to have them in stock the morning of release and have zero knowledge of how to set them up for customers.

If it's just a "warning" that they'll have a busy day, but no details on why, it's not going to be due to new hardware coming in. Obviously I can't say it's because of 2.1, but a change to something they already offer is more likely. It could be as simple as new TOS, or the new pricing they've been advertising, or as complex as network infrastructure maintenance, something that will generate lots of customer calls.
Why would they get trained for the I-phone? They weren't trained for the Driod,at least my local stores have no idea.
oh i heard 2.1 will be her on the 29th or 30th.........

and on the 31st ill update this with 2 new dates.
2.1 . . . 2.1 . . . . 2.1

Um, 2.1 is sick. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw 2.1 pass out at 31 flavors last night . . . I guess it's pretty serious.

Thank you, Symone.

No problem whatsoever.

Fry . . . Fry . . . Fry
Nice c3-po that's how it is with this 2.1 thing man I love to read these posts cause the person who started this one was completly for real he really thaught he had valuable info for us lmfao this is great thanx again for the laugh
Well Verizon reps were warned Wednesday will be a very busy for them. But most assume its because of whatever Apple will be announcing.

When Verizon gets the iPhone, one would hope that their stores would be notified and trained on it beforehand. They're not just suddenly going to have them in stock the morning of release and have zero knowledge of how to set them up for customers.

If it's just a "warning" that they'll have a busy day, but no details on why, it's not going to be due to new hardware coming in. Obviously I can't say it's because of 2.1, but a change to something they already offer is more likely. It could be as simple as new TOS, or the new pricing they've been advertising, or as complex as network infrastructure maintenance, something that will generate lots of customer calls.
Why would they get trained for the I-phone? They weren't trained for the Driod,at least my local stores have no idea.

I mean sales training, or "trainwashing" as It's been called. It's the "here's how to sell the iPhone to customers" training that sales people get before a new product shows up.

It's a bunch of basic generalizations about a product like "It can organize your digital life" and "Having this phone means you also have the world's best media player with you whenever you're on the go!" Anyone who's worked in retail sales has been through that kind of training, usually in the form of a pamphlet or online walkthrough.

Basically it just means that anyone working in a verizon store would have heard about the iphone before it hit the store, so something more concrete would have made its way to our ears.