merge/join contacts


New Member
Dec 20, 2010
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Hello. My wife and I just upgraded our phones. I got the Droid Incredible (LOVE IT) and she got the Vortex. On the Incredible you can link contacts from several different sources so only one entry will show in the address book. Can the vortex do this? So far I haven't been able to find the link. My wife shows 2 or 3 entries for each individual (one from Facebook, one from her gmail account, and one from the phone itself). Please help. Thanks.

I just got the Lg Vortex a day after you posted this, upgrading from a Droid Eris, and I was wondering the same thing. I wasn't able to find anything on the internet, but I've messed around with the phone for a bit and have finally figured it out for you. Your wife will want to go to the contact, and press the menu button (bottom far right button). Choose Edit contact. When the new screen pops up to edit the contact, she will want to press the menu button again. There an button that says "Join" will display on the screen. Choose "Join" and then it will show recommended contacts and also give her the option to search through her Facebook contacts, assuming she has them synced in her phonebook. After she selects the contact to join, just press done and they will be one contact instead of two separate ones. Hope this helps! I'm glad to have finally figured it out myself.
Thank you very much. They had it burried pretty well! Thanks again, and Merry Christmas!

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Ack, I always get my left and right confused. The menu button is on the bottom far left! The one with the two weird boxes on it, next to home. Anyways, you're welcome and you have a Merry Christmas as well.