Microsoft Exchange "tasks"


Feb 11, 2010
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
Anyone know why my original Droid only syncs email, calendar & contacts from Microsoft Exchange (work email)? It does not syn "Tasks". Why? I've heard about "Touchdown" but not sure about it. I'd rather try to make the phone do this rather than having to add another step by opening up an app all the time. How about "exchange for Android 2.0"? Could this be the fix?

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If you are looking at what I think you are looking at, then that is the tocudown trial. I am using it and I love it, like outlook for droid.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
Agreed. I tried a few Exchange clients and touchdown was the best for features and functionality.
But isn't it another app you have to open everytime there's mail,etc? Or do I still open the email icon on droid? Not sure how it works. Does it notify you up top? I just want to make sure it's worth getting only because Tasks don't syn.
CojonesDeToro, are you having any trouble with pushing emails with touchdown?
But isn't it another app you have to open everytime there's mail,etc? Or do I still open the email icon on droid? Not sure how it works. Does it notify you up top? I just want to make sure it's worth getting only because Tasks don't syn.

TD takes the place of the stock email client. You do not have to open another app. Notifications are in the top bar just like stock. LEDs light up and you can have whatever notification tone you want. It can even speak a notification and tell you who it is from and anything else. Try the 30 day trial and see for yourself. Best app I have.
Anyone know why my original Droid only syncs email, calendar & contacts from Microsoft Exchange (work email)?
It's not uncommon for stock apps to not have features found in 3rd party apps.

But isn't it another app you have to open everytime there's mail,etc?
Apps are apps whether they're stock or 3rd party. Don't overlook 3rd party apps or else you'll really limit yourself.

I just want to make sure it's worth getting only because Tasks don't syn.
Worth is always subjective. Take the options for a spin and see for yourself. FYI Notes don't sync either.

Agreed. I tried a few Exchange clients and touchdown was the best for features and functionality.
Best is always subjective. I prefer Touchdown but that doesn't mean that the next person looking for an Exchange client will. Moxier and RoadSync are a couple of other alternatives.
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Good points takeshi, but you can sync notes via usb. TD has a separate app for that. It would be nice if it did it ota..