Moto Droid having issues with the SD Card


Dec 25, 2009
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I've had my Droid since about a week after the launch, and I've loved it the whole time. However, about a week ago, an issue started that I can't quite figure out. I was using Dolphin's Browser to download videos from youtube for future viewing, all was going well until I got a text message a few minutes in. There was no alert sound, so I thought perhaps I had accidently turned it to silent or something, but upon checking, it was all fine. After looking into it a bit further, I found that all of my files on my SD card, pictures, music, movies, etc, was not being read. It would populate the list with their names, their properties, etc, but when it came to actually playing them, it didn't work. For music, it would play it, but there would be no sound, but the little yellow search bar was still moving along and had the correct duration for the music. For videos, upon trying to play them it would say "Sorry, this video isn't supported" or something along those lines. For pictures, it would launch the viewer, but show nothing.

After about 10 minutes of this, I restarted my phone. It was fixed for a short time, files would open and play, etc. After about 5 minutes of testing stuff though, it began again. I did a battery pull this time and just gave it some time. It seemed to work, however, I'm still experiencing it sporadically. Occasionally, completely randomly, my phone will go through periods of 1-5 minutes or so that no files will be able to be opened or played. This effects ALL files on the SD card as far as I can tell. I've missed calls and texts from it because the alert doesn't sound. I've had the issue happen while using my phone as an alarm, but thankfully it defaults to some terrible noise that I don't think is possible to sleep through. XD

The only thing that had changed when this issue occurred was the downloading of youtube videos. I've since cleared those off of the SD Card, seperated files out in different folders, etc, with nothing seeming to work. Does anyone have any advice for this? Or would my best bet be to contact Verizon and have them go back through Motorola on this, since the SD card or the card reader may be bad? Or could it be a software issue? Find it strange that it's able to list everything on the card, as well as it's properties, but not able to open it if it was an issue with the card or reader.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
odd for sure.. it wouldn't be the card or reader though, since they work SOME of the time. sd cards either work or they don't, there is no SOMEtimes they work... must be some software thing. maybe try dumping the dolphin browser and just use the native browser for a while and see if it keeps happening? are there other apps you have installed lately?
I'd agree, and unmounting and remounting doesn't seem to do anything either.

The other apps I can recall downloading and keeping around that time was Astro, AudioManager Widget, DroidLight, F*ck my life RSS widget, Google Map Address Book, Handcent, Hire*A*Droid, No Signal Alert, Screebl Lite, Simply Draw, and Where. I have others on my phone now, but pretty sure that that's the majority that were downloaded and kept prior and up to the issue starting.
I'd agree, and unmounting and remounting doesn't seem to do anything either.

The other apps I can recall downloading and keeping around that time was Astro, AudioManager Widget, DroidLight, F*ck my life RSS widget, Google Map Address Book, Handcent, Hire*A*Droid, No Signal Alert, Screebl Lite, Simply Draw, and Where. I have others on my phone now, but pretty sure that that's the majority that were downloaded and kept prior and up to the issue starting.

I haven't had the same issues but I have had windows tell me that there are errors on the card and to let it scan every time I mounted the device on the computer. I yanked the card out put it into a media card reader and had windows do an automatic scan /fix and sector scan and it came up with 0 problems for both and I no longer get that error message from windows.

However when I was flashing something over and had adb up it said that the sd card was damaged, however another scan... showed 0 problems so I'm not sure what to make of these cards... prob just cheapos maybe and I have been doing quite a few large write / deletes since I've been copying my seasons of startrek voyager season by season as I watch them at night... i know that lots of usage damages and degrades sd cards but i wouldn't think so soon.

edit: backup what you have on your card by mounting onto a computer preferably using a media card reader instead of the droid and possibly just do a complete format of the card or go even further and wipe the partition off the card and redo the partition. maybe that will help. perhaps the table was getting corrupted. I'm not sure how sd cards work compared to normal HD's......
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