Muting notifications while in dock?


Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
Washington, DC
I could swear that my OG Droid automatically muted the "droiding" notifications when it was in the dock at night. My new Droid 3 "droided" all night when I got emails. Is there a place to fine-tune the night setting to fix this, or do I just need to silence it before putting it in the dock. The only reason I hesitate to do that already is that I often forget to unsilence it in the morning, which is a personal problem. :)
My D1 dock never did that for me. I have to put my phone on silent before bed.

What you can do is there are some apps where you can adjust your volume levels automatically based on time of day or location. I'd suggest tracking one of those down and setting it up to shush your phone during the hours you usually sleep and automatically turn the volume back up during the day.

Unfortunately I can't recall the name of any apps like that though. Anyone know of any?
Yeah, I think maybe I'm imagining that it did it automatically. I must have gotten in the habit of silencing it as I put it in the dock.

I used to have an app like you're describing. I think it was called Locale, maybe?
I just watched the Motorola video on the HD Dock and it looks like one of the settings was "Silent Mode." This might actually be what you're looking for, but it definitely wasn't on the D1's dock.