My notifications sound wont turn back up when its supposed to

Dragon Lover

New Member
Jul 13, 2014
Reaction score
Current Phone Model
Droid Razr Maxx HD
For the past few months my phone has been having a problem with one of its volume settings. When I have to put my phone on vibrate for any reason it turns all the volumes off like it should, but when I turn the vibrate off it doesn't turn my notifications back up where it was before I put it on vibrate. My call ringer volume and my alarm volume go back to where they were just fine but the one that sets notification sounds for emails and texts doesn't go back to normal. I have to go in manually and turn it back up myself which is very annoying. Many times I completely forget to turn it back up and miss important emails or texts. I've had this phone for about a year and a half and it worked just fine when I first got it. I have taken it to a Verizon store but they couldn't figure out what was causing the problem. If anybody on this forum has any idea what I can do to fix this I would really appreciate the help. I would like to avoid a factory reset if at all possible. Also there are times when it doesn't even vibrate when its on vibrate which just makes the whole problem twice as annoying.
Knowing the type of device would help us to further assist you... I looked and don't see it?
My bad I must have forgotten to add it to the first post. Its a Droid Razr Maxx HD.