Need help with Tasker


New Member
Jun 28, 2010
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I'm having trouble with Tasker and resetting changed settings after the profile deactivates.

I set up a profile so that on Fridays my call and notification ringtones would change to a particular song. The profile worked great all day, but now that the profile deactivated, my ringtones didn't return to what they used to be.

Do I have to set an exit task specifying the old ringtone? I don't want to do that if it's possible to avoid because I change my primary ringtone frequently and might forget to update the task.

Thank you for any assistance
I'm having trouble with Tasker and resetting changed settings after the profile deactivates.

I set up a profile so that on Fridays my call and notification ringtones would change to a particular song. The profile worked great all day, but now that the profile deactivated, my ringtones didn't return to what they used to be.

Do I have to set an exit task specifying the old ringtone? I don't want to do that if it's possible to avoid because I change my primary ringtone frequently and might forget to update the task.

Thank you for any assistance

Yes you do, however there may be a way to store the previous ringtone to a variable and then recall that variable. I will look into it this week.
ok thank you

Unless you want to set ringtone all the time with Tasker, there is no variable already set with the ringtone file name. But I might be able to develop a tasker widget to allow you to select a ringtone and then switch back to it later.