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I'm in on that lots of good info. I signed up to be a member Its a little tricky posting things but A+ overall.
I couldn't imagine much in the Android world that hasn't already been covered here somewhere. Consult the archives. ;)
This site is pretty cool :) You should buy your own domain and transfer the files since you put so much work into it - they're $11 is even available :icon_ banana:
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Is droidthings dead??? I really like the layout its easy to find info on all the important things rooting, roms, apks, just good info. I'm following on twitter and sent a @message to let them know cause it say's if your following and not being followed by droidthings send an @message. I wrote a comment on the wordpress
blog about Rom Manager that's still awaiting review before it's posted. I just keep checking in and could save time if its going to die no need to keep checking it?