New D2G user


Mar 10, 2011
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I have been using my first smartphone, the D2G, for about two weeks now. I really like the hardware and feel of the phone. I have not been very happy with the operating system though. It just doesn't respond as quickly as I would like it to. One of my biggest complaints is the unlocking of the screen. This is a simple function that should work smoothly since it is used every time the phone is used. The slide to unlock function has a delay from when i touch it to when it responds, and then it takes about an extra second or two to actually unlock and bring m

Also, text message seem to frequently not send. I type out a text, hit send, and then a minute later i get a notification saying message not sent which is really frustrating. I know the battery life of smart phones are never good, but I have to charge mine almost twice a day. I do not use any social networking widgets that continuously sink or any app killers and the battery still drains very quickly.

I was leaning toward an iphone 4 at first, but i chose the D2G because I got it for a much cheaper price and it has a physical keyboard. I am really trying to love the D2G, but at the moment I don't. Maybe my experience will change as I use the phone more and more.
Look at getting it rooted if its something u want. You can overclock it and use much more of the processors capacity, this should help the speed out a lot. Custom roms are also a great thing if u wanna do that too. As for the battery, there's not a huge amount u can do to help this. Custom roms can help with this. As for task killers, don't use them. They don't help. Get a program called watchdog. Its much better. If u need any help let me know, I was about to get an iphone too but now I love my D2G.

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Thank you for the quick reply! I have looked into rooting and it is all confusing to me. Is a ROM basically a customized user interface that is different than how the phone comes from Motorola? How do you install these custom ROMS onto the phone once the droid is rooted?

I haven't done a great deal of research because I have not had the phone very long, and I am a college student that has had a lot of school work over the past two weeks. This question has probably been covered a lot already, but what exactly are the advantages of rooting a droid? I do understand that rooting allows you to get into more customizable features though.
Rooting basically gives ur phone superuser permissions so u can access everything the manufacturer locked u out of. Its not too hard to do. Look for a program called z4root. It makes it very easy to do. Then to flash custom roms u need to download kouschs bootstrapper. I got mine from the android market. There's plenty of threads on this site to explain how to do this better than I can. And where do u go to college by the way. I am a college student too so just curious.

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a rom is a customized android os but you have to make sure the rom is compatible with you device fission has a full rom

The GRD team the team ME & another dev called burry boi have a stock like rom & we currently in the process of launching a rom the best thing I can say is do your home work before you do anything read through all the posts & everything & always make a backup
@Woz: speaking of the new GRD rom... when do u think it will be released. I know it may be a bit because of everything happening lately. Just curious. Sick of Fission and trying out liberty. And will the new rom be froyo I'm assuming. Since gingerbread isn't here for D2G yet.

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Rooting basically gives ur phone superuser permissions so u can access everything the manufacturer locked u out of. Its not too hard to do. Look for a program called z4root. It makes it very easy to do. Then to flash custom roms u need to download kouschs bootstrapper. I got mine from the android market. There's plenty of threads on this site to explain how to do this better than I can. And where do u go to college by the way. I am a college student too so just curious.

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I go to Virginia Tech. What about you?
I got my Droid 2G a few weeks ago, ugrading from a blackberry storm and am loving it. I recently rooted my droid as I was also having major lag issues. The motoblur interface just doesn't see, to run very smoothly so I flashed it with fission and now its running MUCH faster, I got rid of all the bloatware (stuff I don't need that runs in the background like skype) I was really weary of rooting at first cuz of all the stories I heard about bricking your phone but it really is quite simple and toooootally worth it in the long run, as long as you read up and follow directions. Hope this helps.

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Also I highly recommend the GOTO lock screen. Widget locker can be confusing and laggy. Goto runs much smother than the stock lock screen.

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I go to Virginia Tech. What about you?

I go to Ohio State. But if anyone is worried about bricking their phone, sbf can fix that. Its fairly simple to do and you should know how to just in case something happens when u start flashing things. I just figured out today(I should have learned much sooner) but its not difficult. It seems fairly hard to brick your phone to the point where an sbf won't fix it.

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I will look into rooting and custom ROMS more probably after school gets out next month. If you use fbx to return your phone back to normal does that mean you lose all the setting and data you have created?

Also, this is a random question, but does placing lots of shortcuts on the home screens use more battery? If i put a shortcut for every game i have downloaded on one of the home screen, will those game icons use additional battery?
If u sbf it it puts it in a completely out of the box state. U can back things up on an sd card tho. And I don't believe shortcuts kill your battery that bad. I know using a lot of widgets, especially ones that use the internet and update often, can kill a lot of battery

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