New To rooting have some questions!!


New Member
Sep 20, 2010
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Hey All,

Well I am new to the community and had some questions, I just rooted my Samsung Fascinate which actually went very well thanks to the guides on here!! Anyway now that I am rooted I just wanted to know what things should I get tools, explorers, etc. I see people talk about like lagfix not sure what it is? Root explorers etc. Their are dumb applications that I would like to remove from the phone wondering how I go about that like for instance amazon kindle dont use it dont want it lol. Anyway thanks for the responses and any info is greatly appreciated.

Hey All,

Well I am new to the community and had some questions, I just rooted my Samsung Fascinate which actually went very well thanks to the guides on here!! Anyway now that I am rooted I just wanted to know what things should I get tools, explorers, etc. I see people talk about like lagfix not sure what it is? Root explorers etc. Their are dumb applications that I would like to remove from the phone wondering how I go about that like for instance amazon kindle dont use it dont want it lol. Anyway thanks for the responses and any info is greatly appreciated.


"Lagfix" is just a general term for fixing lag on your phone.
Lag: not as quick as intended to be, too slow, not fast.
If you search here on the forums especially in the Samsung section
You will find everything you need for how to's and customizing your phone just like the walk through you used to root.

Welcome to Android :)

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